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This is the Manufacturer's Recommended Drive Away Price (MRDP) (inclusive of the options and accessories selected) based on the postcode entered. The MRDP is based on private ownership, on the owner being a 'rating one' driver aged 40 with a good driving record, and on standard number plates. Actual drive away price may differ depending on choice of authorised Renault dealer and your individual circumstances. Your authorised Renault dealer will confirm your specific price. Not available to fleet, government, or rental buyers. Renault Australia reserves the right to vary the MRDP in its discretion. Some information presented or used for the purposes of this tool is sourced from third parties and while every effort has been taken to ensure its accuracy, absolute accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Always consult your authorised Renault dealer for the latest information on Renault vehicles and to confirm specification and pricing. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Renault Australia provides no warranty as to the reliability, completeness, or accuracy of the information on this tool and accepts no liability for the content contained within this tool.
^T&Cs apply. Approved applicants only. Renault Financial Services is a registered business name of Nissan Financial Services Australia Pty Ltd ABN (70 130 046 794) Australian Credit Licence number 391464